How to mma manager
How to mma manager

If your manager is doing a lousy job do you want to be tied to their services for a long time? Probably not. LENGTH – The longer the better for the managers, not the fighter Below are examples of some of the clauses managers have asked fighters to sign with some topics fighters should critically review before agreeing to the terms. Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to navigate numerous management contracts. Some of the worst contracts fighters sign are those with their own managers, the latter who are supposed to look out for the best interests of their clients instead often start the relationship off with an exploitative contract. In short, combat sports management is the wild west where largely anything goes. This largely goes unchallenged and there are few examples of athletic commissions cracking down on exploitative management practices. Many managers that are licenced do not bother being licenced in all jurisdictions where their clients compete and from where they take a cut of the fighter’s purse. Often times these protections are not followed. Others go further and require fighter/manager contracts to be on commission approved forms. Some jurisdictions impose restrictions such as maximum fees that can be charged and cap contract lengths. In these the standard for licencing is low. In others managers need to apply for a licence and nothing more. All you have to do is say you are one and, presto, you qualify. In some States and Provinces anyone can be a manager. It varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and standards are far below those in unionized sports where players associations impose strict thresholds for agent certification. The world of MMA management is poorly regulated. The first contract fighters sign is sometimes their worst.

How to mma manager