The unfortunate fact is that more and more celebrities experiment with plastic surgery. Michaela Romanini is absolutely not only in this obsession. Eventually, the injections become like a drug to Romanini, who proceeded to have them until her lips morphed her into what seems like a strange creature. Michaela’s chosen procedure was lip collagen injections. Her face has transformed drastically since she began possessing plastic surgery.

Once a beautiful young woman, all the plastic surgery Romanini has had a harsh and extreme impact on her face. Starting at a young age, she started experimenting with plastic surgery and ended up becoming an unreal thing.

She is as well-known in Italy as Paris Hilton is in the United States. Italian socialite Michaela Romanini is one of the victims of the worst effect of plastic surgery. Whatever the reason, the choice to undergo surgery should be taken thoughtfully, one must always review the possible risks as well that could be worst more than our expectations and sometimes it backfires, and the consequences turn out less-than-desirable. Although the term is normally linked with procedures of beautification, it includes a wide variety of practical operations such as reconstructive surgery, craniofacial surgery, burns treatment, and more. Plastic surgery is a variety of procedures that reshapes or repairs the structure of the body. In the ongoing effort to look young and flawless, celebrities are always ready to do just about anything to become, and stay, picture-perfect. Celebrities are preoccupied with the new concept of looking attractive through plastic surgery.